One Bad Apple is a returning series about what happens when the Devil’s daughter is enrolled in a respectable English boarding school and proceeds to take over not just the school but also the local town and the surrounding countryside.

With only a plucky scholarship girl who works in the school kitchens to oppose her.

Mercy Emerson is the spoilt teenage child of Gwenneth Emerson, world famous for her lifestyle advice website. But unknown to everyone except her mother, Mercy’s father is none other than Satan himself, conceived at a Black Mass when Gwenneth was a student.

And the reason the Devil has ensured Mercy’s enrollment at Staunton School? It’s near the burial place of The Grail, the powerful artifact hidden ages ago, after Satan’s last defeat, to prevent him from ever returning to Earth. Mercy’s job is to find it and destroy it so her Father can come back in all his glory.

But Mercy doesn’t know any of this to begin with. All she knows is that this place is ripe for her to take over, and the only person who seems to be in her way is Lydia Amory, a kid from a poor background who’s also the girlfriend of the best-looking boy in school, James Brennan – who Mercy has marked out as her own.

What neither she nor Lydia herself knows is that Lydia is in fact the last in a long line of people dedicated to protecting the Grail: thus setting the two girls up not just for a classic teenage battle for social influence and romantic success, but for a cosmic struggle in which both of them will find themselves wielding awesome supernatural power.

It’s Buffy the Vampire Slayer meets The Omen wrapped around an Indiana Jones Adventure – in an English boarding school: with the fate of the world at stake.